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erica interview

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erica interview Empty erica interview

Post by just4us2 Mon Aug 08, 2011 1:53 am

WE_PRomo Whitney Everett
Meet “Lincoln Heights” &" "Let's Stay Together" star Erica Hubbard at [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] CLICK HERE: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]
2 Aug Favorite Retweet Reply »
anyone read this interview

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erica interview Empty Re: erica interview

Post by Candygwen Mon Aug 08, 2011 2:59 am

thanks for the link just4us2. i think that was the longest EH interview ive read so far! i decided to copy and paste it here:

Interview With ‘Lincoln Heights’ & ‘Let’s Stay Together’ Star — Erica Hubbard!
She began of career in theater at age 9, acting in stage plays while growing up on the Southside of Chicago, Illinois. After great success playing the teenaged daughter and big sister on ABC Family‘s “Lincoln Heights”, 32 year old Erica Hubbard is moving quite smoothly and successfully along in her entertainment career. Now while playing Kita Whitmore on the new sitcom, “Let’s Stay Together” that is up for it’s second season on BET, the rising star dropped in to discuss the upcoming season as well as talk about her charity foundation and life after the drama television series that everyone misses so much, “Lincoln Heights”.

Meet “Lincoln Heights” star Erica Hubbard

Charli >> Hi Erica, so nice to finally talk with you! How are you?

Erica >> I’m good, I don’t have any complaints!

Charli >> Great! So what actually jump started you in your acting/entertainment career?

Erica >> I think what jump started my career was doing a stage play. I had one line and it was at the age of 9, and they kept feeding this line into my head. “Make sure you say this line, make sure you say this line…”. So it was a house packed full of people and I don’t even remember being nervous. And I didn’t know what was about to go on so they kind of pushed me out on stage when it was time for me to say my line and I said it right and the crowd kind of like erupted. And they erupted into like laughter, cheering, and so after that I was like, “I like doing this!” “I can do more of this!”


So it was my theater experience.

Charli >> Well I absolutely loved Lincoln Heights! I watched it while it was airing on ABC Family, but recently I’ve been watching it on Netflix


But I notice, well to me, my opinion, the Sutton family has been the closest and strongest black family since the Huxtibles, so what was your experience like in working with the other cast members?

Erica >> My experience was phenomenal in working with the other cast members because I had studied Russell’s career up until that point. I was looking at all his work and that was like his 4th or 5th television show. And not a lot of people know that, but I was happy to be graced by his presence and also with Jen Sutton, because she was coming from “The Shield”. And THEN! To make it even better, I had my friend call me on the phone and she was like, “Oh my Gosh! You have to see this guy, he’s on stage right now, doing a one-man show. It is so good, it is so good!” So I was listening to her voice and I was like, “girl, okay, I don’t know.”


But thank goodness I went because guess who it was, Russell Hornsby.


And this was before Lincoln Heights. So when I started working with him, I was like, “oh my gosh I already know you and your talent! I’m happy to be here and be a Sutton”.


Charli >> So what was your best scene or episode of Lincoln Heights?

Erica >> I think, ummm, well I have a few scenes that I like. One of them was when I was being interrogated when my dad did the held up at the store and shot somebody accidentally. That was a good scene. But then on a happier episode was when Charles proposed to Cassie.


Erica >> Umm, yeah, so I’ll say those two scenes. You have a scene that was kind of a sad scene, then you have a scene that was really happy. So I would say both of those. And everything was great, we got along all 4 years, it was no drama, it was just perfect!

Charli >> So now you’re a cast member for BET’s “Let’s Stay Together”. What exactly interested you in that role to play Kita Whitmore?

Erica >> You know when I read the script, I was like, “Here we go again with another show centered around love.” Anytime you have a show based on marriage, in which “Lincoln Heights” was about and on “Let’s Stay Together”, the day up until they get married…I wanted to be apart of that because it’s so much drama on TV where people are fighting and kicking and screaming and yelling at each other. I want to be apart of something that consists of a happy family oriented type of project.

Charli >> Exactly. So what can fans look forward to in Season 2?

Erica >> Season twwooo!!!


Erica >> They’re bringing in lots and lots and lots of well known guest stars, so I can say that. Every episode is like, “Oh! There’s someone from the Real Housewives of Atlanta!”


Erica >> So they are bringing in tons of guest stars and I would have to say that I got to work with Kim Cole from Living Single.

Charli >> Cool! So have you gotten a chance to work with Queen Latifah, I know that she’s a producer of the show.

Erica >> You know, yes she is an executive producer, I love her! She’s like the head huncho


Erica >> You know she just oversees the project. And then also, the other head huncho is Jacque Edmonds Cofer, the creator of “Let’s Stay Together”.

Charli >> Okay, okay! So are there any similarities between you, Cassie, and Kita?

Erica >> Oh yeah! There are similarities between me and Cassie, and Kita. Although they are opposite characters, ummm sometimes I’m like really quiet and my friends would be like, “Come on let’s hang out and I’m like “noooo, I’m going to stay in the house and relax”… and I think Cassie is more of that shy type of person when she falls in love hard, like what happened when she met Charles. Then you have that boy stripped, loud, vocal Kita.


And so at times, you know if you catch me at the right moment, when I’m excited, people can’t get me to stop talking!


So it’s crazy because my family will be around me and in certain moments they’ll see me and be like, “Oh you acting like Cassie”.


And then in another moment they’ll be like “Oh, Hey Kita.”


And sometimes they don’t even call me by my name! They’ll come up to me and say, “Okay Cassie”.


Depending on what mood I’m in, and then it’s “Oh, Kita!”


Charli >>Haha, wow! So what has been you biggest challenge thus far?

Erica >> Ummm… well my biggest challenge… I would say, I think with me, and this may be a social thing, but people don’t think that I’m as approachable as I am. So people would just stare at me and won’t necessarily come talk to me, and I’m like “no I’m friendly!” But I get a lot of that. Or a lot of friends would start, you know, kind of talking more about, not necessarily “How you feeling, how you’re doing?!” But more so about my job and making that a conversation. Then I’m like, “I’m doing good!” You know, I just want to talk about normal stuff.

Charli >> Exactly, exactly.

Erica >> Sometimes I like to just have a conversation with a stranger and talk about life because they don’t know what I do and it’s more conversation.

Charli>> Right.

Erica >> But if somebody knows what you’re doing then that’s all they’re going to talk about. “So what’s going on with you! Oh I like that episode when you…..” And I’m like “ahhhhhhh!!!!! Girl did you ever know my favorite color was red?”


I mean I don’t mind, but let’s have a balanced conversation. We can talk about my job, but then also, ask me genuinely, “How are you doing?”

Charli >> Well… haha, as it relates to that, do you have other interests or hobbies outside of your career?

Erica >> Yes. I. Do!


Erica >> My interest right now, is I’m writing a children’s book. And it’s about respecting each other. And the reason why I’m writing it is because I have a non profit, called The Erica Hubbard Foundation. The youth, they don’t respect each other, or let alone, respect adults. When you pass somebody, say “Hi, Hello, How are you?” And the “please and thank you’s”…You know… people aren’t doing that anymore.

Charli >> I agree.

Erica >> So I’m like, “We gotta write a book on respect”. Some adults need it just as well as some of the kids. So that’s one of my biggest interests. Also, I love, love traveling. I like seeing the world. Like I just came back from Tahiti and I liked to see how they cooked food underground and they put some leaves over there and smoked like their meats. If I went to the Island of Mariah , and they didn’t have any franchises. They had a gas station on the island, and something else but it wasn’t what you saw in the city life here. The stuff they drove, it was like nothing fancy, it was just a really laid back lifestyle. Man it’s people living on islands, still climbing trees, you know eating fruit off the trees!


To me, that’s amazing, because here we are, we can go to our local fast food chain and get some french fries and onion rings, and then people are eating fruit that we don’t even know about. And they have fruit that are cures for a lot of different illnesses. The noni fruit. I knew about it, because they sell it here like in your health food stores. And I knew about it because if I get ill, I drink it. It’s like a way of life, everyday fruit! It just grows like in bushes or something or trees, I forget what it grows on. But I was amazed. Like “Wow we don’t have this growing anywhere in the United States.” So yeah, I like seeing other cultures.

Charli >> Awesome! You briefly talked about your foundation, but I was going to get to that! So talk about you charity work and the Erica Hubbard Foundation.

Erica >> Well I decided to form a non profit called The Erica Hubbard Foundation. Because when I was working on Lincoln Heights, they had me going out speaking to a lot of youth. And when the show was over, I wanted to continue speaking to youth in inner cities dealing with poverty and low self esteem. So I formed the Erica Hubbard Foundation and anybody that emails me or calls me, I go out or I fly, I’ve been doing a lot of flying, to talk to schools, youth groups, community centers, churches, a college called me to do their commencement address.

Charli >> Wow congratulations!

Erica >> For their graduation, yep! So I just like to go and encourage people, because I feel that we need more people out here that encourages each other.

Charli>> What advice can you give to teens and young adults aspiring to act?

Erica >> Uhhhh… anybody that wants to enter the entertainment industry…. BEWARE! No I’m joking.



Charli >> That’s funny because I interviewed Raven Symone not too long ago and she said something quite similar.


Erica >> Awesome! Yes, it’s a lot of rejection. If you’re spirit can’t handle rejection, than don’t do it, because you have to have a good self esteem about yourself in order to make it in this industry. People will try and tell you “Uhh well we don’t want you in this…” and “uhhh”, and you have to hold you head up high and know that I am someone great and I can be something great. There are so many people that will try and ridicule you. But this is my passion and this is what I love to do, so why are you trying to tear me down?

Charli >> Right.

Erica >> And I’m trying to build myself up and build others up through my work. So all my work I’m happy to say, people that follow my career, every part that I’ve taken on is meaningful. It has a meaning to it. Even with “Let’s Stay Together” with the family and the love and relationships, it has a meaning to it. Commitment with “Lincoln Heights”, the commitment with being in a family and sticking together has meaning to it. So I just have to say, “If you don’t compromise yourself out here and do whatever, and you pick a project that’s meaningful, then I think your career will go a lot further than something temporary where you’re just going to exploit yourself. So that’s my advice, don’t fall victim of what people want you to do. What does your conscious say? Don’t compromise your integrity. That’s what I have to say. People will try to get you to do some of everything. But it’s up to you at the end of the day, is how you want people to see you.

Charli >> Well I am so excited to have gotten a chance to chat with you! I mean you’re so full of energy and full of life. I’ve really enjoyed this conversation!

Erica >> Yeah most people I have a conversation with they’re like, “Oh my goodness!”


Erica >> I just like to be happy and humble and I like talking with people because that’s life! Just to sit and talk to people and have casual conversation.

Sometimes I just like to enjoy the finer things in life and basically that could be a good conversation. You know?

Charli >> Yes, yes, you definitely have been he most energetic interview I’ve had! Is there anything else you’d like to share?

Erica >> Everybody just keep supporting me and what I’m doing, my foundation. I’m on twitter, I’m on facebook, so say hi! And you know, check out my website, [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and that’s about it!

To connect with Erica:

Twitter: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

Facebook: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

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erica interview Empty Re: erica interview

Post by just4us2 Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:11 pm

love her saying one of her best scene was charles asking her to marry him.i mean asking Very Happy cassie

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erica interview Empty Re: erica interview

Post by LincolnHeightsDiva Mon Aug 08, 2011 10:42 pm

great interview and yeah candy, one of the longest....

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erica interview Empty Re: erica interview

Post by just4us2 Tue Aug 09, 2011 1:36 am

PUREUNDERGROUND Drew Hines aka Prada
This week on Keeping Success PURE, Larry Sturm, Erica Hubbard, Innosphere & Anthony David on WYCC Ch.20 [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] via @youtube
13 hours ago Favorite Retweet Reply here another one

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erica interview Empty Re: erica interview

Post by Candygwen Tue Aug 09, 2011 3:02 am

thanks gurl! keep those links coming!! lol

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erica interview Empty Re: erica interview

Post by just4us2 Tue Aug 09, 2011 5:31 pm

always find them on twitter

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erica interview Empty Re: erica interview

Post by LincolnHeightsDiva Wed Aug 10, 2011 8:25 pm

Thanks girl

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erica interview Empty Re: erica interview

Post by just4us2 Wed Aug 10, 2011 9:08 pm

more than welcome

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erica interview Empty Re: erica interview

Post by just4us2 Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:46 am

not for sure if anyone see this."Let's Stay Together"'s Erica Hubbard

lets stay together « LUXE7MAGAZINE

Tag Archives: lets stay together. Exclusive Celebrity Interview: Celebrity Actress Erica Hubbard. 26 Monday Sep ... Leave a Comment. Tags. akeela and the bee, ...


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erica interview Empty Re: erica interview

Post by Candygwen Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:27 pm

No didn't c it but will check it out l8r. Thx

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erica interview Empty Re: erica interview

Post by just4us2 Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:10 am

welcome,why do some ppl think Erica leaving LST because kyla pratt coming on the show.


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erica interview Empty Re: erica interview

Post by Candygwen Tue Dec 06, 2011 3:25 am

Jeremy Copeland: Erica thanks so much for agreeing to do this interview with Me and Luxe7Magazine. How are you doing?

Erica Hubbard: Hey! I am doing really great, and thanks for the interview with Luxe7Magazine!

Jeremy Copeland: What got you into being an actress? Was that always a 1st passion of yours?

Erica Hubbard: When I was younger my dad said I use to imitate different lines from scenes on television on commercials or television shows, and he knew that’s when I had a passion for being an actress. He said it was always something I was fascinated with when I was around the age of 9 years old. So, he had a friend that worked for Sears and my very first job was modeling for Sears through his friend. I really liked modeling as a child; so then we had to find an agent and they started sending me out for commercials. One of my very first commercials I filmed at 9 years old as well. Soon after that I started doing voice-overs, theater and then I eventually worked on films and television jobs in Chicago. After graduating from Columbia College and hosting a morning kids show I moved to California and started working in the entertainment industry on the West Coast.

Jeremy Copeland: Being an actress who has had the formal training and etc do you have more of a confidence when you walk into auditions?

Erica Hubbard: I feel it is very important to have training in your profession because it gives you the confidence you need to maneuver with in your career, and helps you to trust yourself that you can do the job. I feel very fortunate to have trained with some of the best teachers in the acting industry from Columbia College in Chicago. I was fortunate to take theater courses with teachers from Second City, Steppenwolf, Goodman, Piven Theater etc. My teachers taught me a lot about what embodying a character really means. That’s the reason why I was able to play Madison in A Cinderella Story which is very different from Kiana in Akeelah and The Bee or Cassie from Lincoln Heights who is very different from Kita in Let’s Stay Together. I love watching versatile actors like Tom Hanks, Angela Bassett, Tilda Swinton, Hilary Swank and emulate their work ethic into my craft. Plus, it gets boring to see the same actors do the same techniques in every project. All the people you portray cannot act the same way because everyone in life is different. With that being said, I strongly believe the right training helps you book more roles and join all three unions as an actor: SAG, EQUITY and AFTRA.

Jeremy Copeland: What was your first major role as an actress?

Erica Hubbard: I feel very fortunate to say one of my first major roles as an actress was playing Jasmine in the hit-movie Save The Last Dance.

Jeremy Copeland: How did you being a star on ” Lincoln Heights ” playing the role as Cassie come about?

Erica Hubbard: I had just completed Sisterhood of The Traveling Pants and I was resting and visiting my family in Chicago when I got the phone call to fly to California and audition. I passed on the role at first because I wanted to stay home and spend time with my family. So, after a week I flew back to Los Angeles and got another phone call that the role of Cassie had not been booked and production was still looking. I go in for the first audition, and then I get a call shortly after saying I have to go in for network because they are moving fast on this project and they need to book this role. I go in on another audition and shortly after all the girls were dismissed except me and that’s when they told me the good news… that I had got the part of Cassie Sutton. We shot the pilot in San Diego and waited for weeks to see if the show would get picked up and we all were so blessed that it did! We shot four great years filming back in LA. I am very happy to say that the show aired on ABC Family, and now it’s currently on Netflix and TV One Network. I love the longevity of Lincoln Heights airing on television and all the support from the fans!

Jeremy Copeland: What actress did u look up too growing up?

Erica Hubbard: The actresses I looked up to growing up and still do are Phylicia Rashad, Helen Mirren, Tilda Swinton, Oprah, Angela Bassett, Kimberly Elise, Debbie Allen, Meryl Streep, Cecily Tyson, Queen Latifah, Whoopi Goldberg, etc.

Jeremy Copeland: All of your roles are so versatile and different. Do you not like being stuck in a box and being free to work different roles?

Erica Hubbard: Thank you, I love living and portraying different lifestyles because it is a form of freedom to create. However, if it is a great story I think ultimately that’s really what matters in accepting a project.

Jeremy Copeland: What is that one role that you have not played that you would love too.

Erica Hubbard:I would love to play an action hero with super powers in a film. Last but not least, a good thriller would be nice as well for a movie role.

Jeremy Copeland: What was it like being cast for BET’s Let’s Stay Together?

Erica Hubbard: It really was an honor to be cast as Kita on Let’s Stay Together because it gave me the opportunity to be on a sitcom in a recurring role, and most importantly make people laugh and fall in love with my character’s upbeat personality.

Jeremy Copeland: What are your Tips to staying a working actress?

Erica Hubbard:My tips on being a working actress is plain and simple, if you are truly passionate about a role you will get the job that is meant for you. In the meantime, always keep yourself working on your skills in the industry by being in a play, in film festivals or taking acting classes. Remember as the old saying goes, “Practice makes perfect!”

Jeremy Copeland: Tell me about Erica’s Style, what do you like to portray on the red carpets and in everyday life?

Erica Hubbard: My style catches people off-guard because I am spontaneous and like to keep my wardrobe exciting. One day, I want to be preppy, the next day I want to be a vixen and maybe another time I want to be a business women. I have had red-carpet looks that range from elegant to casual. Depending on my mood for that particular day determines my fashion statement for that moment…Lol!

Jeremy Copeland: What’s Playing in your IPOD right now?

Erica Hubbard:I love Adele’s Music and basically a lot of her songs gets my day going.

Jeremy Copeland: What are your thoughts on Reality TV, Do you watch it? Would you do it?

Erica Hubbard: Occasionally, I watch reality shows when I have the time. I think it is an opportunity if someone is on the right reality show. I would consider it later on in my career because it can be a good one that people watch and support.

Jeremy Copeland: What is your method to rocking out at an audition?

Erica Hubbard: Honestly, prayer helps me first to get through my scenes because I always love being in touch with my Spirit.

Then, my method to “rocking out” an audition is being relaxed doing acting exercises, and then I inhabited the character I am portraying in every beat of the scenes using all my senses and instincts.

JeremyCopeland: What has been the hardest Role you have had to play thus far in your career?

Erica Hubbard: I can’t say I have had a hard role because when you are cast in a project they are confident you can portray the character, and that makes me feel confident once I book the job. However, I can say I was nominated for a NAACP Theater Award for a play I performed in, and I had to cry every night for a month or so. The moments I had to go through to cry every night was hard on my body, but it truly prepared me for my crying scenes on Lincoln Heights being Cassie Sutton.

Jeremy Copeland: What’s Next for you in 2012

Erica Hubbard: I happy to say my character Kita Whitmore returns to BET’s Let’s Stay Together for some episodes in January 2012.

Also, I am really excited to say I wrote a couple of fun books for children which you can find more information about on: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]

I am reading my books for a literacy campaign that my non-profit ([You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] is having in 2012!

Jeremy Copeland: What’s a Stamp that you want to leave on the industry?

Erica Hubbard: The “stamp” I want to leave on the industry and with everyone who supports my career is that I cared about the projects I took.

Also, I left a good impression with my community giving back through my non-profit as well as the images I portrayed on television and in films. Hopefully, my work uplifts everyone who views it and I can continue to make great projects for the community that supports my journey!

Jeremy Copeland: Describe yourself in 3 words.

Erica Hubbard:




Jeremy Copeland: What’s one thing that you want my Luxe7Magazine readers to take from you from this interview?

Erica Hubbard: Please keep supporting me and thanks so much for all the love you have embraced me with! Lastly, keep in contact and visit me on [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] and check out my website for updates at: [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] (Peace &Love Always!)

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